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      Capital Drain :   Rick's investment opinion newsletter.

      For years before the conception of Longsplice Investments, this newsletter was the outlet for my professional interest in investing.
     Now that the mutual fund is the main focus, the newsletter will remain, but as my personal opinion vehicle, and will keep the same time-honored name.

      The March 2017 newsletter just went out by email.   If you're signed up to receive it, you should have it by now.
      If you're not on the mailing list and would like to be, you can
subscribe here .

Previous newsletters:

2004:                                                                                                                                             Dec
2005:     Jan     Feb     Mar/Apr         May     Jun     Jul/Aug         Sep/Oct           Nov     Dec
2006:                 Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun/Jul         Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov
2007:     Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May                 Jul    Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov/Dec
2008:     Jan                  Mar     Apr     May     Jun/Jul         Aug/Sep          Oct     Nov/Dec
2009:                              Mar     Apr                             Jul    Aug/Sep
2010:     Jan                  Mar                                                                               Oct     Nov
2011:                   Feb                                                   Jul    Aug                             Nov   OWS   Dec
2012:                   Feb               Apr               Jun       Jul                                                         Dec
2013:                              Mar                 May     Jun      Jul                             Oct                  Dec
2014:                              Mar      Apr     May               Jul     Aug      Sep                 Nov     Dec
2015:                                           Apr     May     Jun     Jul                  Sep                  Nov
2016:                                           Apr                  Jun    Jul                            Oct                  Dec
2017:                              Mar    

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Personal Financial Health Checkup:  Check your Credit Report

      You really ought to check your Credit Report regularly.   Identity theft is accelerating, and spotting something fishy in your report, like an account you don't remember opening, may allow you to catch a problem while it's small.   Also, if you may need a loan someday, the time to clear up any credit-history errors is now, not at the last minute.

      Three independent companies called the Credit Rating Agencies track whether you've been a responsible borrower, in order to predict whether you'll be a good risk for a new loan.   They do this with information from all your past creditors, and their business is to sell the summary info-- not the raw data-- to potential lenders.

      These agencies are in a privileged spot, seeing your non-public information and passing judgment on what they see in order to tell their customers whether you're a minimal risk or a probable problem.   This privileged spot has prompted a measure of government regulation: there are limits to what information they can give out, and to whom.   More important, they are required to let you check on the information they have, and correct it if it's wrong.   To check it, you need to ask one of the agencies for a copy of your Credit Report.

      The report contains a list of all the loans, credit cards, revolving charge accounts, etc., that you've had in the last decade or two.   Even the accounts that have been closed are listed.   For each account, it lists your credit limit, maximum balance, and payment history.   In particular, they'll make a big fuss if you had significantly late payments.

      It's free, once per year per credit agency, to get a copy of your report.   Since there are three agencies, that means that you can go to one agency every four months to sample the freshest data.       Here are the step-by-step instructions for visiting each agency.   The steps change from time to time, but these were accurate during my most recent visits during the past year.

      Note: if you use web privacy browser extensions such as Adblock Plus or Privacy Badger (and I recommend both), once you get to the page of the actual rating agency you should select "disable for this site" for each extension.
      Getting through the on-line forms isn't always trouble-free, but don't worry.  You can print this paper form and mail it to the intended agency.

A collection of fine industrial Boilerplate, but true:

Nothing in this e-mail should be considered personalized investment advice.

Although I may answer your general questions, I am not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation.  No communication from me to you should be deemed as personalized investment advice.

Any investments recommended in this letter should be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company.

The information and opinions herein are for general information use only.  I do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness, nor do I assume any liability for any loss that may result from the reliance by any person upon any such information or opinions. Such information and opinions are subject to change without notice, are for general information only and are not intended as an offer or solicitation with respect to the purchase or sales of any security or as personalized investment advice.

This document last modified Sunday, 02-Apr-2017 20:51:57 EDT

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